
【通知】美国物理学会Physical Review系列会议:量子材料中的磁学和自旋电子学前沿国际研讨会

KouShare 蔻享学术 2022-07-02




注册时间:7月11日 14:00-22:00



中国科学技术大学东区物质BC连廊三楼会议室 地点改为:安徽高速开元国际大酒店




中国科学技术大学 张振宇教授
美国华盛顿大学 Xiaodong Xu教授

Meeting Activities


About the Workshop

The Physical Review Workshop on Quantum Materials for Modern Magnetism & Spintronics (Q3MS) will bring together world-leading experts in experimental and theoretical physics to address critical issues at the frontier of the field. Emphases will be given to the latest developments surrounding new systems and materials that integrate magnetic, topological, and superconducting properties, new experimental approaches and probes, and new theoretical mechanisms and formalisms that, collectively, point to potential new directions of scientific development and device applications (especially for information processing and storage in the quantum regime). The present workshop is a follow-up to the first Physical Review Workshop launched in Hefei, China on November 10-13, 2019, with the theme of "New Frontiers of Superconductivity", but with the new theme of “Quantum Materials for Modern Magnetism & Spintronics (Q3MS)”. Collectively, the goal of these workshops is to provide a setting to promote open and informal discussions and the exchange of information needed to help assess the promise and challenges of an emerging field. With this in mind, the workshops comprise only a limited number of presentations and leave considerable room for informal conversations, round-table discussions, and social activities.
See more meeting info athttps://icqd.ustc.edu.cn/prworkshop/main.psp

Organizing Committee

Co-Chairs:Prof. Zhenyu Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)Prof. Xiaodong Xu (University of Washington, USA)International Program Committee:Prof. David Awschalom (University of Chicago, USA)Prof. Leon Balents (KITP, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)Prof. Xianhui Chen (University of Science and Technology of China)Prof. Jiangfeng Du (University of Science and Technology of China)Prof. Zhong Fang (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)Prof. David Goldhaber-Gordon (Stanford University, USA)Prof. Allan MacDonald (University of Texas at Austin, USA)Prof. Naoto Nagaosa (RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) & University of Tokyo, Japan)Prof. Stuart Parkin (Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany)Prof. Yoshinori Tokura (RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) & University of Tokyo, Japan)Prof. Di Xiao (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)Prof. Xiang Zhang (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR)From APS:Dr. Michael Thoennessen (Editor-In-Chief, American Physical Society)Dr. Mu Wang (Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters & Editor, Physical Review Materials)Dr. Donovan Hall (Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters)Dr. Daniel Ucko (Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters)Dr. Yonko Millev (Editor, Physical Review B)Dr. Ashot Melikyan (Associate Editor, Physical Review B)Dr. Victor Vakaryuk (Associate Editor, Physical Review X & Physical Review B)Dr. Matthew Edger (Associate Editor, Physical Review Applied)

Speakers & Chairs

Invited Speakers and Discussion Leaders

(in Alphabetical Order)

David Awschalom

University of Chicago, USA

Leon Balents

KITP, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Stephen Carr

Brown University, USA

Cui-Zu Chang

Penn State University, USA

Xianhui Chen

USTC, China

Haifeng Du

The High Magnetic Field Laboratory, CAS, China

Jiangfeng Du 

USTC, China

Zhong Fang

Institute of Physics, CAS

Donglai Feng 

USTC, China

David Goldhaber-Gordon

Stanford University, USA

Jinfeng Jia

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Ying Jiang

Peking University, China

Jianxin Li

Nanjing University, China

Peter Liljeroth

Aalto University, Finland

Renbao Liu 

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Zhengyou Liu

Wuhan University, China

Allan MacDonald

University of Texas at Austin, USA

Tai Min

Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

Laurens W Molenkamp

Würzburg University, Germany

Naoto Nagaosa 

RIKEN & University of Tokyo, Japan

Satoru Nakatsuji

University of Tokyo, Japan

Qian Niu

University of Texas at Austin, USA

Stuart Parkin

Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany

Gregory Polshyn

University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Eiji Saitoh

University of Tokyo, Japan

Jian Shen

Fudan University, China

Jairo Sinova

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Yoshinori Tokura

RIKEN & University of Tokyo, Japan

Xiangang Wan

Nanjing University, China

Mu Wang


Joerg Wrachtrup

University of Stuttgart, Germany

Congjun Wu

UCSD & Westlake University, China

Di Wu

Nanjing University, China

Shiwei Wu 

Fudan University, China

Di Xiao

Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Xincheng Xie 

Peking University, China

Xiaodong Xu

University of Washington, USA

Changgan Zeng

USTC, China

Fuchun Zhang

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Jinsong Zhang

Tsinghua University, China

Liyuan Zhang

Southern University of Science & Technology, China

Xiang Zhang

University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Yuanbo Zhang

Fudan University, China

Jun Zhao 

Fudan University, China


For Onsite Participants (up to 100): dealine June 30

scan the QR code

Registration fees:

Faculty Members: RMB 1000

Students & Postdocs: RMB 600

*To prevent COVID-19 infection, the onsite registration system will stay open until the maximum attendance of 100 is reached.

For Online Participants (The online registration is FREE):

scan the QR code

*To maximize the quality of Internet communications, the online registration system will stay open until the maximum registrant number of 300 is reached.

*You will be joining the workshop via Zoom, supported by KouShare. Each participant will receive a workshop access code timely.

Notes on registration fees for onsite participants:

  • The registration fee will cover daily refreshment breaks, receptions, and workshop materials.

  • The registration fee do NOT cover hotel room costs.

  • Registration fees are waived for all invited speakers and discussion leaders.

Method of Payment:

The registration fee could be paid by bank transfer within one week after your registration

Account for International USD TransferAccount for Domestic CNY Transfer
Beneficiary's Account187203468859账号184203468850
Beneficiary's Bank NameBANK OF CHINA HEFEI SHUSHAN BRANCH开户银行中国银行合肥蜀山支行营业部
Swift CodeBKCHCNBJ780地址安徽合肥市

  • Please write PR Workshop and your Name in the sender's remarks.

  • Any transfer fees should be charged to the sender.

  • Please send the copy of your transfer receipt to Email: icqd@ustc.edu.cn.

To be kept updated about the workshop and to enjoy the full program, please register as early as possible.





联系人:李盼 18005575053(微信同号)


